Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nebraska Fun

Ansel's aunt, Alissa, took this photo of him playing in the yard at Grandpa and Nana's house. Ansel had a blast! What's not to love about cherry-picking, playing in Nana's garden, playing with big toys and big kids, and the country life of his daddy's sweet Nebraska? It was all good.

Thanks to all of our lovely family members and friends who were more than accomodating during our visit. We miss you all and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Not only the company, but also the horses and cows in Nebraska made a great impression on Ansel. He hasn't stopped talking of them since. When asked if he would like to go outside, his reply is "yes, oh, horsees!" The fourwheeler is an acceptable substitute at times, but who knows how long such a substitute will suffice.
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