Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Two and a half weeks 'til autumn

Summer is nearing its end. It became apparent this weekend when we realized we hadn't run the air conditioner at all and it was quite cold in our apartment. We even resorted to locating our cozy throws! It was cool, rainy, and humid. Where did summer go? It was beautiful. This weekend we hope to get in at least one last summer hike! Posted by Picasa


-Dave said...

I'm going to be in DC in October, and am SO hoping that the trees are changing color during the week I'm there - it'll be a great opportunity to get some pictures. Do you have any east-coast insight about when the leaves will change for me?

-Dave said...

So... how about that snow? The first time I recall hearing Buffalo in the news, and it's because you have few feet of the white stuff. Autumn must go by fast in the northeast.