Our dear friend Lois Stauffer went home to be with Jesus on Thursday, August 7th at 2pm. Lois was an amazing woman of God, who touched the lives of many during her 51 years on this earth.
Many people have detailed stories of the beautiful ways Lois has made her mark on their own heart. Her hospitality spoke volumes to anyone who spent time in their home.
For us, Lois has been a longstanding source of encouragement to both Travis and I in our walk with God, our marriage, and in the challenging endeavor of parenthood. Lois and her husband, Gene, exemplified what God intended for marriage. The relationship that they had with one another was one of love, tenderness, and the most treasured of all of earthly friendships. Gene and Lois have been like parents to Travis during his time at Kettering University, encouraging him in his relationship with Christ, challenging both of us in our pursuit of marriage, and then have become our family away from home since we have moved to Buffalo. We have spent many holidays in their home, which has always been lovingly opened to us by the entire family.
Even to end of her life on this earth, Lois continued to humble herself and lift up others. After she was diagnosed with cancer, she offered us a place in her home for Travis to recover from kidney surgery and continued to invite us to spend time with their family. Lois lit up a room with her smile and her life was characterized by an unwavering faith in the Lord, no matter how difficult the circumstances. Even just a few days before her passing when she was in too much pain to get out of bed or even sleep in the same room as her husband, she was still praying faithfully for everyone she knew.
I find peace in the fact that we will reunite with Lois one day in heaven, but will miss our chats over tea in her front yard, making meals together as a family in her kitchen, her wise advice, her gentle sense of humor, her genuine way of living out her faith, and watching her endearing way of ministering to those around her.
In the celebration of this sweet sister in Christ's life, I am once more challenged to be a blessing to those around me and to let God use me for his eternal purpose. What a blessing that Travis and her son, Andrew, became such good friends in college! Andrew is so much like his mom in the way that he selflessly reaches out to others, his carefree spirit, and wonderful sense of humor. I praise the Lord for bringing Lois into our lives, after knowing her we are forever changed and encouraged to stand out as one of His.
Gene, Lois, Michelle, Travis, Andrew, & Jonathan
Lois and Ansel
Michelle, Lois, and Ansel