This weekend we went to Michigan for a game night in honor of the marriage of our friends the Bredthauers! It was so much fun to see the happy couple and spend time playing games with them. If anyone knows me, they know that games are a favorite! Lance Bredthauer, the groom, was the lad that introduced me to quite possibly my favorite game of all--Pitch! It's a Nebraska tradition that I thoroughly enjoy. Travis took some photographs at the gathering. Pictured above: Ansel on Lance's shoulders and the beautiful bride, Shu, & Lance. Ansel is such a joy! He had a blast just hanging out and socializing with Travis' old friends from school. It was a fabulous night!
We got to watch Lance and Shu open their gift from us, which was camping gear--a dish & pot set for two, two coffee mugs, and a french press. The bride is not much of a camper, but we hope Lance will take her on many camping adventures with him!
Hehe, I've got a caption for that first picture: "Mom are you sure this is okay...this guy is REEALLY tall!?"
Oh the pitch obsession! Glad it's not limited to hounding the family! (Just kidding; we wouldn't play if we didn't really want to.)
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