Friday, May 02, 2008


Ansel is teething. He is drooling more and having difficulty settling down for naps. He is eating butternut squash, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce and cereal. To my disappointment he dislikes green beans. He made the worst face of all, though, when we gave him applesauce.

We have a wonderful friend who doesn't eat any fruit or vegetables except for corn and potatoes.

I am sure that for Ansel having a dietitian for a mom raises the stakes. I guess we will have to wait and see how his taste develops with time.
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Miss Alissa said...

We loved the clapping videos!! He is so precious...even though he doesn't care for applesauce;)

Anonymous said...

He just needs some of that premium homemade Nebraska applesauce...that would do the trick!! grins from nana